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Mass Building Tips from Fort Lauderdale Personal Trainer

March 17th, 2013 by

mass building expert trainerTips for mass building – Building muscle is a great way to get a healthy body that you can be proud to show off at our Fort Lauderdale beaches. In order create the muscular physique you desire, you will need to start by working on your upper body.  To get the best out of any exercise program you will also need a healthy diet to go along with it.  Below are a few good exercises that focus on building muscle mass in your chest, back, arms, chest, and shoulders.

Top Mass Building Exercises

Exercise #1: Bench Press
This exercise is the number one choice for building muscle in the triceps, biceps, shoulders, and chest. You start this exercise by lying down on a workout bench and using either a barbell or two dumbbells. All you need to do is bring the barbell or dumbbells to your chest level, extend the arms out as far as you can, and slowly return to starting position. Make sure you are using a weight you can handle or else have someone nearby in case a mishap occurs.

Exercise #2: Shoulder Press
A shoulder press is very similar to a bench press is what it targets and how it is done. To do this exercise stand up straight with the barbell or dumbbells at shoulder level, raise the weights above your head, the slowly lower it back down to chest level. This will work all of your shoulder muscles as well as your triceps.

Exercise #3: Deadlift
This is an exercise that works most of the upper body, specifically including the traps, biceps, triceps, shoulders, hips, glutes, thighs, forearms, and back muscles. The reason this exercise is called the deadlift is because the goal is to lift a heavy barbell, or two dumbbells, off of the ground by bending over and lifting it up. Most of your energy will be used when you lift the momentum-less weight off of the ground.

Exercise #4: Push Ups
A standard push up can be a powerful exercise for mass building  in your upper body. Stretch out your body with your toes on the floor and your arms about shoulder-width apart. While keeping you back straight, slowly lower yourself towards the floor and then push off of it back to starting position. The entire upper body is used in this exercise so be sure to include this in your strength training regime.

Strengthening the upper body can easily be done with the exercises above. Of course, there are many more different exercises that target upper body muscles, so what may be the best set of exercises for someone else may not be the best for you. That’s why it is important to find and speak with a bodybuilding trainer in Fort Lauderdale. A trainer will create a customized plan based on your body type so that you can gain a strong, well-built, and evenly-sculpted body that you will be proud to show off.

Top 4 Reasons Why you Should Start Training With Pompano Beach Personal Trainer Joe

March 17th, 2013 by


Pompano Beach Personal Trainer

If you are reading this page, then it is safe to assume that you’re interested in the benefits of personal training. Besides building muscle, there are many other benefits your body receives by working out regularly. These benefits will increase your wellness overall at any age and at any fitness level, so there is no reason not to start. If you’re not yet motivated, below are the top four benefits to strength training that will surely get you up and ready to work out.

Benefit #1:  Builds Muscle
As most people know, the main aim of strength training is to build muscle.  Don’t worry about “getting big”, you can build plenty of muscle that you won’t see.  The easiest way to get started would be to buy a few dumbbells at a weight you can manage. The goal is to tear the muscle tissue in order for it to rebuild itself during rest periods. Be sure to warm up and cool down before and after working out to minimize the risk of injury and to prevent soreness. A Pompano Beach personal trainer can help you choose the best types of exercises to do.

Benefit #2: Lose Weight
Every exercise will speed up your metabolism and burn fat with strength training being no exception. Performing intensive exercises will not only burn calories while exercising, but will keep burning fat throughout the day thanks to the boost in your metabolic rate. The reason strength training is the preferred way of losing weight is due to the fact that the body needs to quite a bit of effort into repairing the muscles, thus burning more calories than most exercises.

Benefit #3: Bone Health
If you are young, this may not sound like much to you. Of course, you may want to look into how common bone diseases such as osteoporosis can be as you get older, and if you looked it up you will see that it is a lot more common than you think! In order to prevent such a disease and to keep your bones as healthy as can be then strength training would be a good option. Also, if you have stronger bones the less of a chance a bone fracture will occur if you were to get injured.

Benefit #4: Mental Health
Stress, insomnia, and concentration are three mental problems strength training, or any exercise for that matter, can fix. When you are stressed or anxious, your brain releases two hormones called cortisol and norepinephrine, and if you have too many of these hormones it can cause your mind to go into a state of depression. It has been proven that resistance training will lower the output of these hormones and that will result in a lower stress level. Since your brain is not filled with unneeded stress hormones, it will be easier to concentrate at work or on any project you are working on. Insomnia is cured due to the fact your body is worn out from working out and it will cause you to fall asleep faster in order to recover. That and insomnia is usually linked to stress hormones, which are also prevented thanks to strength training. As you can see, three major mental problems common in most people are linked together and can be prevented with exercise.

Above are only the top four benefits to strength training. Exercising can also reduce cholesterol, strengthen the heart, and keep the body healthy overall. Although strength training may be a little intimidating to those who have never exercised before, it is quite easy to get started but you have to make sure to keep working at it. It would be wise to consult with a personal trainer in Pompano Beach in order to get the best out of a workout, plan out a diet that will benefit you even more, and stay motivated to continually workout until you have reached a healthy, physically fit body.

Call me to get started on your new workout plan!

The absolute necessity of proper nutrition for Fort Lauderdale personal training clients.

January 1st, 2013 by

jim-indexHere now my advice on nutrition for the success of your program with a top quality personal trainer. You client, absolutely must take in enough calories to keep your blood sugar levels even, so that low blood sugar levels do not cause reactionary hunger levels which create a virtually unstoppable hunger of which all binges have their beginning. Hear me again, if blood sugar levels are not controlled by regular protein based meals, you will binge and you will destroy all the work you are doing in the gym. Call Josef Kozma at 954-245-7896, He will for the paltry price of $199.00 write you a diet, completely unique to you, that will enable you to totally control your hunger, and then successfully enable you to lose weight and fat with ease.

Josef Kozma

Fort Lauderdale personal training